The webinar was very informative and useful… The content was well written and full of examples that could be utilized for either new or established patients. That was helpful and a great resource to help educate...
The course was very intense, full of information, detailed, very thorough. The workbook was good & handy to use. Betty is great! Very knowledgeable, thorough, and engaging.
The overall comprehensiveness and in depth nature of the E/M Changes 2021 course content is impressive (she readily integrates the latest information from multiple resources, recent conferences etc.)… [Betty] also compiles her own tables, workbook (with numerous...
The 2021 E/M Train the Trainer course was great! It gave me the level of expertise needed to educate both coders and providers. Betty goes above and beyond to ensure the entire class is understanding the materials at each step of the course. It was the best virtual...
Betty, this course far exceeded my expectations. The background information and history was a necessary evil that provided the foundation needed to fully understand why these changes were necessary. The course itself was very detailed and educational in understanding...
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